Friday 30 September 2022


I have been doing “grandmother duty” this week and it has not really been a duty but a great joy.  Miss Sarah, our great granddaughter, has been having time with us.  Her first sleepover with grandmother and poppy on her own. She has spent much of her time fishing with poppy, which poppy has enjoyed as much as Sarah.  We have been shopping, out for morning tea, made a scrapbook of important people in her life, visited her great, great aunt and uncle and played with their dog and generally had a happy time together.  It gave me cause to reflect on the role of grandmothers and how the role of grandmothers have changed. 

When I was growing up I was quite jealous of the kids I knew who had a grandmother in their lives. Dad’s mother died when he was 13 years old and Mum’s mother when I was just 4 years old. My great grandmother Sophie was around till I was 8 but she lived in Sydney and we were in Newcastle. I do have some memory of her but did not see her very often

My cousin Anne had a grandmother, my cousin Glen had a grandmother and my friend two doors down the street had a grandmother. Oh, how I envied these kids the privilege.

Grandmothers were a very different species sixty years ago. They all had white hair, or if they were really stylish, a blue rinse. Many had long hair fashioned into a bun. They always wore an apron when in the house and when they left the house in my experience it was never without a coat, hat and gloves. They always had their legs covered in thick stockings and often wore sensible shoes. When they were in the house the ones I knew at least were in control of domestic duties or were relegated to the role of “invalid”. But I so wanted a grandmother of my own. 

I have a picture of my Mum’s mother, who died when I was just four, at Mum and Dad’s wedding on my dressing table. She is dressed in a very sensible, what looks like a crepe suit, with a large hat and a very large corsage on her lapel, such was the fashion of the time. When I look at that photo I imagine, Alma would have been about 70 years old based on her appearance. However, when I examined it further I realised Alma would have been 47. My great grandmother Sophie would have been about 70 at the time  of the event and I find her image hard to reconcile with my current age and appearance. 


Being a grandmother has given me much joy over the last 25 years. I must admit when I was told I was to become a grandmother my first thought was that I was far too young. I soon moved passed this and with the birth of each of my eight children and two great grandchildren I have been knocked sideways by the love I immediately feel for each of them and ever so thankful for the joy they have bought to my life.


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